The First Week with our Baby Blue Boy

2 thoughts on “The First Week with our Baby Blue Boy”

  1. Hi…I’ve been reading your blog with interest. Boston sounds gorgeous. I am fairly worried about the tick situation at your place though I read a blurb written by a vet in Urban Animal recently that so called grass ticks are actually the paralysis ticks still in their infancy stage. You are really going to have to check him all over morning and night to keep him safe. Just thought I’d share this with you. Best of luck, Robyn

  2. Reading this brought back so many memories from when my baby was a baby. He is 3 now but I still treat him as though I just got him yesterday. My girl sleeps like a twisted stick half off / out of what ever she is on. At night they’re in my/ our king size posturepedic bed made up with 1200 thread count sheets and duck down quilts. And tonight we have the heater going. I love my babies so much. Will u get ur boy a girl one day? Ps they’re incredible the way they take themselves to bed / and my boy would wake up and stand next to the bed silently and I would wake
    Up instantly (somehow?) and see him sitting there and I would take
    Him outside. It was like he was toilet trained!

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